Experience Ninja-like Privacy .

Ninja Private Messenger: The ultimate private chat app. End-to-end encryption, automatic chat data removal after 24 hours, one-to-one and group voice/video calls, and stickers for a personal touch. Download now for secure messagings.

Ninja Private Messenger

Ninja Private Messenger - Your Ultimate Private Chat App

Ninja Private Messenger is the ultimate solution for private messaging. With end-to-end encryption, you can connect with confidence, knowing that your conversations are always secure. Plus, our unique feature of automatically removing all chat data after 24 hours (or a timer set by you) ensures that your conversations stay private. You can make one-to-one or group voice and video calls and add a personal touch to your messages with our range of stickers.

Ninja Private Messenger is designed to give you the freedom to express yourself privately and securely. Download the app now and join the growing community of users who trust Ninja Private Messenger for their private communication needs.


App Screenshot


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Fast, Simple & Delightful.
All it takes is 30 seconds to Download.


Our Happy Clients Says
About Us

"I've tried a lot of private messaging apps, but none have given me the peace of mind that Ninja Private Messenger does. I love knowing that my conversations are always secure and that they'll be automatically deleted after 24 hours. It's easy to use, and the voice and video call quality is great. Highly recommend!"

Salim Rana


"As someone who's concerned about privacy, I was thrilled to discover Ninja Private Messenger. The end-to-end encryption and automatic chat data removal make me feel confident that my messages won't fall into the wrong hands. Plus, the app is super user-friendly and has a great selection of stickers to choose from."

Rosalina Alian


"I use Ninja Private Messenger for both personal and work-related conversations, and it's been a game-changer for me. The group chat feature is really helpful for coordinating with colleagues, and I love that I can make secure voice and video calls from the app. I've recommended it to all my friends and coworkers!"
